Spindleclutch II

Spindleclutch II

Base Game

Minimum Level 40

20 minutes

Cambray Hills, Glenumbra

Blood Relations

The Ayleid ruins of Dwynnarth that grin down from the bluffs above Hag Fen were plundered and emptied out generations ago. But it seems there are forgotten mine tunnels beneath the lowest levels of Dwynnarth that might not be quite so empty.  


Big Rabbu

To defeat Big Rabbu, the tank should focus on holding aggro on Rabbu and the other trash mobs, while avoiding his directional charge attack. DPS should target the mobs using the same strategy as with Cerise and other trash mob pulls. Healers should be prepared for the tank to take heavy damage and provide significant healing to anyone who gets hit by Rabbu's charge.

Blood Spawn

To defeat Blood Spawn, you should focus on speed and coordination. As a tank, taunt the boss frequently and be cautious of the damaging charges. Healers should predict the Ground Pound AOE and place healing circles beforehand to mitigate the damage. It is crucial to avoid the outer edge of the room to prevent instant death from rockslides. Ideally, reduce Blood Spawn's health to 10% or below before the 2-minute mark to make the fight more manageable. You can also skip the boss by running across the right side of the room or dashing to the next room to deaggro.

Cerise the Widow-Maker

To defeat Cerise the Widow-Maker, the tank should focus attention on the boss and follow the same strategy as the trash mob pulls. The DPS should focus on the trash mobs using the same burn order as previous pulls, finishing with Cerise herself. The healer should be prepared for heavy damage on the tank due to Cerise's powerful attacks and other mobs.

Flesh Atronach Trio

To defeat the Flesh Atronach Trio, tanks should focus on blocking the charge up attacks, while the rest of the team should concentrate their damage on one boss at a time to ensure a quick takedown. It is important to note that when one boss dies, the remaining bosses will receive a heal of 10-30%, so it is crucial to prioritize targets effectively.

Mad Mortine

To defeat Mad Mortine, start by focusing on the 7 Blood Fiend ads and take them down one by one while avoiding their attacks. Coordinate with the Tank to ensure they can handle the heavy attacks, such as charging and landing, by staying alert and using defensive abilities. Prioritize healing and support to keep the Tank alive. Once the ads are eliminated, concentrate all damage and crowd control abilities on Mad Mortine, staying mobile to avoid its attacks. Maintain communication and adapt the strategy as needed throughout the fight to secure victory.

Praxin Douare

To defeat Praxin Douare, you must first focus on taking down the waves of ads before engaging the boss. The first two waves are manageable, but the third wave requires the use of AOE and crowd control tactics. In the fourth wave, the tank should handle the main spider while the DPS targets the other two ads and interrupts their heals. During the boss fight, the tank should position the boss away from the group to avoid the frontal beams. If you are targeted by the circle, do not leave it or you will instantly die. Other group members should also stay away from the circle to avoid death. Lastly, ensure you bring potions to recover against the magicka/stamina drains.


To defeat Spindlekin, the tank should primarily focus on the boss and only tank the adds when the healer is in danger. The DPS should prioritize burning down the boss and avoid dealing with the adds as much as possible to prevent the boss from devouring dead minions and regaining health. The healer should run to the tank if the adds become problematic.

The Swarm Mother

To defeat The Swarm Mother, the tank should focus on keeping the boss occupied and only tank adds if the healer is in danger or there are extra resources. The boss will randomly charge group members regardless of an active taunt, so it's important to block the boss's heavy attack to avoid high damage and knock-back. DPS should prioritize killing the adds whenever they are spawned to reduce stress on the healer, using AoE attacks and collapsing onto the tank to handle them effectively. The healer should be prepared for the tank's health to spike if a heavy attack is not blocked and should also be ready to heal random group members who are charged for heavy physical damage. During the trash mobs phase, it's recommended to focus DPS on Healers, then Caster DPS, and finally Melee. The tank should pick up the melee mobs and interrupt the caster DPS as much as possible. If this strategy is too challenging, the DPS order can be switched to focus on Caster DPS first, then Healers, and finally Melee. The tank should then focus on keeping the melee mobs away from the group.

The Whisperer

To defeat The Whisperer, the tank should keep aggro on the boss and dodge roll out of her powerful AoE attack. DPS players should also dodge-roll out of the AoE attacks. The healer should be vigilant in watching for targets of Madness and melee knock-backs, quickly healing them. Additionally, the healer should be prepared to heal allies who fail to get out of the AoE attack in time. Overall, the strategy for this fight is to avoid the boss's damaging abilities and heal through the damage inflicted.

Urvan Veleth

To defeat Urvan Veleth, you must first deal with the 2 Boneman Archers and 2 Boneman Warrior ads, making sure to interrupt their AOE attacks. When the boss temporarily turns into a red circle, the tank should kite him to minimize damage.

Vorenor Winterbourne

To defeat Vorenor Winterbourne, you need to avoid the red circle attack immediately and ensure that each group member blocks the unavoidable attack to minimize damage. Additionally, it is crucial to kill the NPC being siphoned by Vorenor Winterbourne to prevent his health regeneration. However, if you are aiming for the Undaunted Achievement, you can choose not to kill the NPC, but be aware that it will increase the difficulty as Vorenor Winterbourne will start siphoning from multiple NPCs simultaneously. To achieve the Gold Key, you must refrain from killing any of the innocents crucified and instead focus on dealing enough damage to overcome the heals.

Gear Sets

Prayer Shawl   Light Armor
Spelunker   Medium Armor
Knightmare   Heavy Armor
Bloodspawn   Monster Helm Sets


Spindleclutch II Vanquisher   10 points
Spindleclutch II Conqueror   10 points
Compassionate Hero   50 points
Veteran Flesh Atronach Conqueror   10 points
Veteran Thrall Slayer   10 points
Spindleclutch II Survivor   50 points
Spindleclutch II Assassin   50 points
